In January, 2011 when we enrolled as Team Beachbody Coaches, I went along for the ride. We were looking for a new business and were approached at just the right time. (Timing is everything - it' true!)
Bruce has always been the exercise and nutrition fanatic in our family. While I have been supportive of his passion, my enthusiasm did not run as deep as his did.
I always tried to serve our family healthy meals, but didn't shy away from also stocking the cupboards with unhealthy snacks and "feeding" my passion for baking sweet desserts.
My whole life I've enjoyed exercise, but not with daily dedication. I like to walk and swim and did it more as a convenience than a regimen.
So all of a sudden I was a Team Beachbody Coach! What that meant to me was that as a serious business owner I needed to become a role model for our future customers and coaches as we built our business. That requirement translated to drinking Beachbody's Super Food, Shakeology, each day, and committing to completing a daily Beachbody fitness routine and logging it in the Beachbody online gym each day.
Ok, I can do both of those things. The Shakeology drink really simplified our lunch routine because all I had to do was get out the blender, milk, and frozen fruit to mix with a packet of Shakeology. I like efficiency and now I was saving lots of time at lunch and simplifying our grocery shopping. This Team Beachbody thing is working out better than I expected afterall!
The exercise part was not difficult either. Bruce was pushing play on his DVD player in the garage so I did the same in our sun room. What a great way to start each day - getting our energy up and accomplishing something important before we began our official "workday".
The year advances - fast forward to about June. Wow, I've actually lost some weight and people are starting to comment. This feels good! My clothes fit better and I have all the energy I need to meet all my commitments and still take a walk each afternoon. Life is good.
It gets better. In August I go to my doctor for my annual physical. He's so delighted with my weight loss that he gives me a high five, calls in his nurse who game me additional kudos. Then, because my blood tests were so improved, he takes me off the cholesterol lowering medication I've been taking for too many years to count.
This Team Beachbody thing is really working out for me!
Then I started listening to more of the stories from our new Team Beachbody coaches about their own positive health improvements with Shakeology and exercise and now I'm really convinced that Team Beachbody is more than just a new business for us.
My "workday" starts when I push play on my DVD player to do my workout. My body is my business, as they say in the Team Beachbody videos. And I'm more proud of how I look each day.
It's now become a lifestyle - one that we'd like to share with so many others! I've learned more about the "spread" of obesity and diabetes (of course they're related) in this country and how Team Beachbody is on a mission to end this deadly trend. Now I'm on a mission! This is much more exciting and fun than running a "business". We can truly help thousands of people and make a difference in their lives both physically and financially. (Did I mention that we get a deposit in our bank account each Thursday and it was been steadily growing all year as we continue to share the Team Beachbody products and business/mission?)
Those are the highlights of my Team Beachbody journey in 2011. I look forward to getting even more healthy and fit in 2012 and beyond. Not just for me, but for my family. Bruce is committed to live a long, healthy life, and I want to be right there by his side giving him a hard time and enjoying our amazing life together. We have designed the best decade ever and we can't wait to make it a reality. Our fourth grandchild is due in early March, 2012, and you better believe I have a lot of motivation to be the best grandmother I can be to her (yes, we already know it's a her) and our other three beautiful grandchildren.
I can't wait to help more people and to help more of our coaches help more people feel and look better today and in the months and years to come. I hope we're the oldest and longest running Team Beachbody Coaches in the company when we tell our story to our great grandchildren!
Be a Team Beachbody Coach!
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