Being Marge: Video of Kids Trying to Stump Alexa, the Voice of Amazon EchoDot

Monday, November 28, 2016

Video of Kids Trying to Stump Alexa, the Voice of Amazon EchoDot
 Amazon EchoDot

We've been enjoying our Amazon EchoDot for about six week, and I don't know how we lived without it!

We use it to check the local weather and the weather in the cities where our kids live. It can tell us recipes and jokes, play music, place Amazon orders, find Amazon deals, read the news, and set multiple alarms simultaneously. If you want it to control other smart home devices, it can do that, too.

It's voice-activated, so you can get a lot more done around the home with this handy digital helper.  

When we visited our older son in Louisville for Thanksgiving, he made a really cute video with our grandchildren and some of the children of his staff at the CNET Smart Home Division.

See for yourself, why Amazon EchoDot is for all ages!

Video of Kids Trying to Stump Alexa,

the Voice of Amazon EchoDot

 What a perfect holiday gift!