How to Stay Aligned with Your Passions.
This will be a good one, with tips and secrets on how to
stay true to what you know you really want in life.
But first, some news from us.
There's a lot going on this week and we are excited
to share it with you.
The first news is that, as of this week, and through the
remainder of 2010, our Bruce and Marge Live!
Passionate Life Teleseminars will be absolutely free.
That's right. No charge for our seminars for the rest of the year,
with a new topic each week (see
for the list) and no charge for the recordings of past seminars!
The seminars, both new and recorded won't actually
be free to everyone, just to people who subscribe to our
Bruce and Marge at the Edge newsletter. (Like you,
otherwise you wouldn't be getting this email.)
You also may have noticed that we've changed the name
for the teleseminars, slightly.
Bruce and Marge Live! Coaching Teleseminars
Bruce and Marge Live! Passionate Life Teleseminars
There are several reasons for the change.
* First, to emphasize our focus on living in alignment
with one's passions.
* Second, the teleseminars, even though we allow and
encourage email questions on each week's topic
before and during the calls, aren't really coaching.
* Third, we will continue to offer group coaching, but
only to clients who have completed The Passion Test
(more on group coaching in another email).
So this week's call will be focused on one of the core issues
for people who have (or have not) taken The Passion Test.
How to Stay Aligned With Your Passions
It's a great topic because lots of folks know (or think they
know) what their passions are, but the tricky part is to
stay true to them. And we'll talk about that. We'll talk about:
* Various techniques to stay in alignment.
* Exactly how we use them to stay in alignment.
* How you can do it, too.
So we're looking forward to the call.
Here's the phone number for the call:
and here's the access code:
Remember, all calls are recorded and the download link
will be emailed the following day.
Next week's powerful topic is:
October 12- Twelve Ways to Build Your Self-Esteem (Power)
We look forward to having you join us for Bruce and Marge Live!
We would like to have lots of folks on the call, so please feel free
to pass the link,, for people to
sign up for the calls and for our newsletter.
As a continuing bonus for newsletter subscribers, everyone also
gets a download link for Marge's book:
31 Days to Create Abundance Through Giving.
Check out our 31 Days Mastery Books on