D’Vorah skillfully pulls you into her world of building and maintaining relationships through numerous techniques, from sending greeting cards to launching a world blog tour! Many authors excel in either the world of in person networking or online networking. D’Vorah has not only mastered both, but she uses her gift as an educator to explain exactly what to do to expand your dual networks and to encourage entrepreneurs at any skill level to work effectively in both arenas.
If you feel you’re at a crossroads and need help developing and integrating a complete in person and online networking strategy to take your business to the next level, this is the book for you. Connecting is the first step, and D’Vorah will help you increase your connections through many channels. How you use those connections to effectively communicate your message and learn to give and take with your growing community is D’Vorah’s unique area of expertise, which she willingly shares in this clear, concise guide.
I can’t wait to see what D’Vorah has in store for us all in her next book; it’s sure to be helpful for entrepreneurs like me looking for the most expert helping hands they can find to successfully navigate this fast-paced world of making and growing interpersonal connections in both the real and virtual worlds we inhabit today.
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