Being Marge: Thanks, Honey!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Thanks, Honey!

Testimonial from the August, 2011 Challenge:

“I like the taste of Shakeology and I found that within three days I had noticeably increased energy. My clothes are also beginning to fit better after just 10 days into the program.”
- Honey Martin

Thank, Honey, for the testimonial you gave as a participant in our 30-Day Healthy, Happy, Hot and Fit Challenge.

This Challenge is designed for anyone who wants to develop more positive nutrition and fitness habits. It doesn't matter where you are on your personal journey; you'll make progress if you decide and commit to the 30-Day Healthy, Happy, Hot and Fit Challenge! We hope you join us!

The deadline for the September, 2011 Challenge is August 25th.