#16 Word Games
For the four decades of our marriage, my husband has only beaten me at Scrabble® three or four times, and when he prevailed he didn’t let me forget his victory! Scrabble is a classic word game developed in 1931 under the name of Lexico. This popular word game combines crosswords and anagrams, and is one of the best ways to have fun and build your vocabulary at the same time. Playing Scrabble on a regular basis can not only help you grow your vocabulary and definitions, but it’s a fun social activity you can play in person, online, in schools and tournaments, and with friends an family of all ages. It can jump start language abilities with youngsters and stimulate brain usage with the elder generation. It’s portable, doesn’t require any batteries, and comes in a variety of languages and board editions. Plus you can buy Scrabble software, video games, playing cards, workbooks, dictionaries, and strategy books. You can create a lifetime career of mastering just this one word game!
While I’m enthusiastic for the unlimited vocabulary building opportunities with Scrabble, there are other equally challenging and fun word games available in a variety of formats – board games, books, videos, software, cards, and periodicals.
The point is to find interesting word games to stretch your vocabulary, even with abstruse words that you only use in game-playing. The language confidence you build in the word game arena will carry over into your reading, writing, and conversation and boost your overall success.
Anagram – a game in which players add or transpose letters to create words
If you like this sample vocabulary building tip, then get 30 more in my ebook, 31 Days to Personal Mastery: Improve Your Vocabulary, at our Quantum Results Coaching Bookstore.
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