#3 – Exercise Your Positive Feelings
When you decide what you want in your ideal life, the fastest way to manifest it is to put yourself in a state of “Feeling Good”, as if you are living your ideal life right now.
One would expect any person’s ideal life to generate a lot of positive feelings, such as joy, love, excitement, pleasure, fun, satisfaction, gratitude, happiness, enthusiasm, wonder, expectation, awe, generosity, passion, compassion, enjoyment, and inspiration, just to name a few.
If you’re used to approaching your life from your “mind” rather than from your “heart”, faith in the power of positive feelings might feel like a big stretch.
Before you can make your ideal life a reality, become a master of putting yourself in a “Feeling Good” state. If you consciously practice feeling happy, excited, generous, and ready to receive, then you’ll soon be much more aware when you aren’t in a state of feeling positive.
Track your positive and negative emotions for one day. You’ll probably be amazed at the ratio. If your right brain is willing to give this exercise a try, but your left brain is asking for proof that it’s worth your time, then read Positivity by Barbara L. Fredrickson, PhD, who shares how increasing positive emotions to a 3-to-1 ratio over negative emotions is the key to manifesting with emotion.
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