What are the biggest obstacles to setting and achieving authentic goals?
1. Not knowing your passions
2. Setting goals that are too small or too large
3. Lack of clarity
4. Limiting beliefs to achieve your goals
What are the best ways to overcome those obstacles?
1. Don’t throw out your goal – instead look for a detour.
2. Don’t question whether or not you’re worthy of your goal – if you desire it
from your heart then it desires you too!
3. Make sure your decision and commitment are firm. Will you and can you do
what it takes to reach your goal? This is what separates the true goal
seekers from the wannabees – this is where limiting beliefs step in. They
keep you from being committed. If you overcome your limiting beliefs then
there is nothing that can stop you.
4. Check your preparation. If things are falling apart go back to the drawing
board and get your thinking and your plans straightened out again.
5. Check your ability to trust the process. You can’t be in charge of all the
ways your goal will become reality. You have to trust that it will unfold
perfectly, no matter how you envisioned it.
6. Are you willing to ask for help when needed? And from the right sources? –
If you continue to meet one obstacle after another then clearly you’re doing
things the hard way. Find the help you need to clear your path. Getting the
right support at the right time increases your personal power exponentially.
Teamwork is ok. It’s also another measure of your commitment and willingness
to put your ego aside. Are your goals so imperative that you’ll do
whatever it takes? If they aren’t, then you aren’t dreaming big enough.
7. Are you willing to change your plan as needed? Don’t be more attached to
your plan than you are to your goal.
8. Are you aware of when your goal is beginning to manifest?
Are you picking up the clues?
9. Convince yourself that it’s ok if life got a whole lot easier.
10. Be willing to be comfortable outside your comfort zone! You won’t know
everything you’ll encounter along the path in advance so you might as well
get used to that idea.
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