1. BIG birthday card to our younger son.
2. BIG birthday card to our daughter.
3. Five motivational post cards to folks Bruce is coaching to grow their Team
Beach Body business.
4. A thank you card to a business associate in Las Vegas.
5. A SendOutCards prospecting card to a local veterinarian.
6. A SendOutCards prospecting card to a small business marketing specialist.
7. A Welcome to SendOutCards and our team card to the county's District Attorney.
8. A batch of St. Patrick's Day cards to our friends.
9. A birthday/St. Patrick's Day card to a local friend.
10. A thank you card to a local super salesperson who is recommending SendOutCards to her team of sales reps.
Whew! Not bad for a fun week of card sending!
What you put out is what you get back, so be sure to keep the positive energy moving out and be ready to accept it back into your life!
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