Based on those words, which came from my heart, I hope I have an opportunity to work with a lot more clients this year with the Passion Test One to One Consultation.
This is true for several reasons. First, I'm able to help people move forward in their lives; second, me and my clients have a lot of fun with the process; and third, me and my clients strengthen our love in many directions.
Help People Move Forward
People decide to take the Passion Test for many reasons, including they want to experience something new, they're looking for clarity, they feel stuck, they're tired and want more drive and energy, or they're just generally unhappy and know there is something more for them in life. I love it when people have the courage to reach out and ask for help from me to get reconnected to what's most important to them at this point in their lives.
Have Fun with the Process
Those who know me well know that I like to have fun in whatever I'm doing. While I take my responsibility as a Passion Test Facilitator seriously, I keep the interactions between me and my clients fun and interesting.
Bruce often exclaims that I laugh often and loudly (he loves it!) during my Passion Test phone appointments with my clients, which tells me I'm giving my unique self to my clients and we're both enjoying the process.
Heart Connections or Love
One of my gifts is that I instinctively know when someone is communicating from their head and not from their heart. I can help my clients connect to their hearts very quickly because I'm trained to gently guide them there.
The Passion Test is not therapy, it's a simple, yet powerful process to identify your most important passions and align your life with them going forward. Your passions lie in your heart, the source of all love.
It's a loving process for me to help my clients get clarity on what truly is most important to them and to help them trust that discovery and act on it.
Every time I administer the Passion Test to get a client to that heart connection they've been seeking, I strengthen my own connection to my passions in the process. I'm grateful to my clients for continuing to reinforce my connection to my own heart and to their hearts.
I've been certified as a Passion Test Facilitator for a little over a year now. During the past 14 months, I've had the privilege of administering the Passion Test to dozens of interesting people of both sexes, all ages, and across continents.
What I've found is that the more people I take through the Passion Test, the more I'm motivated to continue this practice. My dream is to create a global reach with my practice as a Passion Test Facilitator, and I'm off to a great start.
I'm ready and willing to work with as many clients as possible in 2011 as their Passion Test Facilitator. That opportunity will make 2011 the best year ever - filled with opportunities to Help, Have Fun, and expand Love!
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