First, develop emotional fitness by feeding your mind with personal development programs. Emotional pain and weeds grow automatically if you aren't proactive with this tip.
Second, make your body stronger and take care of it the best you can. The mind and body are connected and you need to care for them both.
Third, find a role model who has succeeded on the path you're following and create a plan of action to meet your goals.
Fourth, help others who are worse off than you to keep your own life in perspective.
As a Team Beachbody Coach, I'm working on all four of these tips from Tony. I have made significant strides in making my body stronger this year with Shakeology and the Slim in 6 workout program from Beachbody.
Bruce has been using P90X from Beachbody. I have seen an amazing transformation in his physique and physical confidence. So much so that I am thinking of trying it myself as soon as I reach my weight loss goal (only a few more pounds to go!).
So in the spirit of helping those who want to make their bodies stronger, please read on!
The good news is that P90X2, long awaited by many is now available on a pre-order basis. That means you won't be charged for it until it ships, sometime later this year (Beachbody is promising delivery before December 25th for those thinking of holiday gifts).

We don't know how long the overall pre-order period will last because once the pre-order inventory slots are taken, the super deal (free shipping, a savings of about $40) will be gone, plus they company won't promise delivery before next year.

P90X came out in 2004 and has been the best-selling home fitness program ever. This new version includes fitness and nutritional developments that have occurred since 2004 and has been highly anticipated.
Order now to:
- Get free shipping
- Get two extra workouts included
- Get delivery prior to December 25th
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. This opportunity won't last long.