In the quiet week between Christmas and New Year's, we received an unexpected thank you card from our friendly neighborhood booksellers at RBR Books in Leland, NC, Clif and Laura Bridgers. The card simply said:
Hi Bruce and Marge, Thanks for stopping by the shop on Sunday! It was good to see you both. All the best to you both! Clif and Laura
The fact is that we often stop in to say hi to Clif and Laura and, when needed, buy our books and games from them.
This card was special to us because of how it made us feel.
We felt honored that Clif and Laura would take the time to send it to us during their extremely busy and important retail season, that they would send it to US - just two of the many happy customers who visit their store, and that they would simply say Thank You to us for being their friends.
It all adds up to our favorite piece of mail yesterday.
Thanks, Clif and Laura, for understanding and acting on the power of the unexpected and heartfelt card. You made us feel appreciated! We look forward to seeing you again soon!
Check out our 31 Days Mastery Books on Amazon.com